Learn JavaScript – JavaScript for Beginners Guide

  • Post category:Javascript
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Before reading this Javascript for Beginners blog post tutorials, you should have a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS for Front-End Developer roles.

In this post, I have listed all the links to start learning the basics of JavaScript, If you are a beginner you can follow step by step links given below.

I will use VS Code editor to demonstrate coding examples in all the blog posts.

Learn JavaScript – JavaScript for Beginners Guide (Basics)

  1. Best VS Code extensions to use
  2. Console.log() in Javascript and Developer Tools
  3. What is javascript and what are some javascript frameworks? 
  4. Linking Javascript file in HTML
  5. Variables in Javascript
  6. Data Types in Javascript
  7. Difference Between Let, Const, and Var in Javascript
  8. Operators in Javascript (Basic Operators)
  9. Strings and Template Literals in Javascript
  10. If Else Statement in Javascript
  11. Type Conversion and Type Coercion in Javascript
  12. Truthy and Falsy Values in Javascript
  13. Difference between == and === (Equality Operators in Javascript)
  14. AND, OR, and NOT Operators in Javascript (Boolean Logic)
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